5% Increase in TWIA Rates Going into Effect on January 1

Texas Windstorm Insurance Association policyholders will see a 5% increase in rates reflected on new and renewal windstorm policies effective January 1, 2022. Current TWIA policyholders will begin receiving renewal notices reflecting the new rates by mail on November 1, 2021. This is the first TWIA rate increase to go into effect since 2018.

The rate increase was approved by the TWIA Board of Directors in a 5 to 3 vote at its August meeting and applies to both residential and commercial policies. The vote followed the Board receiving a recommendation for a 5% increase from TWIA’s Actuarial & Underwriting Committee. The Board also heard public comments from stakeholders including elected officials and other coastal community members.

In addition to the rate increase, individual policy premiums may change due to other factors including the amount of insurance coverage and deductible amount selected, changes made to the property since the last renewal, and any optional additional coverages. TWIA encourages policyholders to contact their agent and discuss coverage options that can affect premium.

If you are a member of the media and have questions about TWIA’s rates, please email MediaRelations@TWIA.org.

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