Public Comments for December 8 TWIA Board of Directors Meeting and December 1 Actuarial & Underwriting Committee

At its December 8 meeting, TWIA’s Board of Directors voted to direct staff to file a rate increase of 5% for residential and commercial insurance policies with the Texas Department of Insurance. The vote followed a December 1 meeting of TWIA’s Actuarial & Underwriting Committee, which voted to forward an independent report related to TWIA’s rates by consulting firm Willis Towers Watson to the TWIA Board.

In its deliberations, the Board and the Committee consider both written and in-person comment from the public. In the interest of transparency and consistent with prior practice, we have posted the written public comments received for these meetings. Certain personally identifiable information, such as names and contact information, has been redacted to protect the privacy of those individuals, some of whom may be TWIA policyholders.

In-person public comment delivered at the meetings may be viewed by watching the archived recordings of the meetings.

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