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To obtain or continue windstorm and hail coverage through the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA), property must meet certain requirements established by the Texas Legislature. These requirements are outlined in Texas Insurance Code Chapter 2210.

Coverage Type

  • Residential: Dwellings, personal property, manufactured homes
  • Commercial: Commercial buildings, business personal property, townhouses and condominiums
  • Miscellaneous Items: Including but not limited to signs, fences, swimming pools, and flagpoles


In order to be eligible for a TWIA policy, applicants and properties must meet the following criteria:

TWIA regularly inspects properties as part of its underwriting process to determine the accuracy of rating information, discover any unrepaired damage, and identify any other conditions that affect the insurability of the property. Properties may be inspected physically by a vendor or remotely with high-quality aerial imagery and risk management reports. Policies may be reevaluated at any time to ensure continued compliance with all eligibility requirements.

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