Public Comments for March 23 TWIA Board of Directors Meeting

At its March 23 meeting, the TWIA Board of Directors received a recap regarding the Texas Department of Insurance’s rejection of the Association’s December 2020 rate filing. The Board then voted to direct staff to schedule a public workshop meeting of the Board, members of the Actuarial & Underwriting Committee, and the Association’s reinsurance broker to further study rate issues.

In making their decision, the TWIA Board considered both written and in-person testimony from the public. In the interest of transparency and consistent with prior practice, we have posted the written public comments received for the March 23 Board meeting. Certain personally identifiable information, such as names and contact information, has been redacted to protect the privacy of those individuals, some of whom may be TWIA policyholders.

No action on a rate filing will be taken at the workshop meeting but the Board may direct staff to gather additional information for Board consideration and action at a later time. It is expected that the workshop meeting will be scheduled in the coming weeks consistent with providing public notice as required by statute.

The Board’s next quarterly meeting will be held virtually on May 18, 2021.

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