Written Public Comments for October 19 TWIA Actuarial & Underwriting Committee Meeting
Published on: October 22, 2021At its October 19 meeting, TWIA’s Actuarial & Underwriting Committee reviewed wind mitigation credits available to TWIA policyholders and related issues. The committee also received an update on TWIA’s Request for Information on catastrophe modeling secondary modifier services.
During the meeting, the Committee voted to recommend to the TWIA Board that Association staff research and analyze the costs and benefits of offering additional wind mitigation credits to policyholders, including alternate exterior opening protection and roof replacement credits.
In making their recommendation, the Committee considered both written and in-person testimony from the public. In the interest of transparency and consistent with prior practice, we have posted the written public comments received for the October 19 Committee meeting. Certain personally identifiable information, such as names and contact information, has been redacted to protect the privacy of those individuals, some of whom may be TWIA policyholders.
The TWIA Board will meet to consider the Committee’s recommendation on December 7, 2021.
Members of the media may send inquiries to mediarelations@twia.org.
Meeting materials and archived recordings is available on TWIA’s Archived Meetings page.