Public Invited to Virtually Access May 7 Meeting of TWIA’s Legislative and External Affairs Committee
Published on: April 24, 2020The Legislative and External Affairs Committee of the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association’s (TWIA) Board of Directors will meet via GoToWebinar on May 7, 2020 at 10:00 a.m.
The Committee will develop recommendations to TWIA’s Board of Directors regarding content of a report to the Texas Legislature that is required by statute. The report must include: any proposed changes in the laws relating to regulation of TWIA and a statement of the reasons for the changes; and any information regarding TWIA operations or procedures that is requested by the Texas Department of Insurance to be addressed in the report. The agenda for the meeting can be found here.
How to Access the May 7 TWIA Legislative and External Affairs Committee Meeting via GoToWebinar:
- Individuals interested in viewing the Legislative & External Affairs Committee meeting may click here to register for and access the meeting.
- On the registration page, simply enter your first name, last name, and email address. Please ensure your email address has been entered correctly. Then, click the “Register” button.
- After you click the “Register” button, you will be taken to the confirmation page. From here, you can:
- Join the webinar if it is currently in progress, or
- Save the webinar information to your calendar to access on the day of the meeting.
- You will also receive a confirmation email from the GoToWebinar Administrator with the details for accessing the meeting and information about technical requirements for the GoToWebinar software.
A more detailed description of the registration process for this GoToWebinar meeting can be found here.
For help with the GoToWebinar software, go to You may also email questions or request assistance with registering for the meeting at
A recording of the meeting will be posted to TWIA’s website. If you are a member of the media, you may send inquiries to