Texas Insurance Commissioner Disapproves 10% TWIA Rate Increase 

The Texas Insurance Commissioner issued an order disapproving the Association’s filing for a 10% increase in rates for 2025.

The Commissioner’s order found that the rate filing met the criteria set forth in Chapter 2210 of the Texas Insurance Code (the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association Act). However, the order cited several other factors as reasons for the disapproval.

TWIA filed for the rate increase in its required annual rate filing with the Texas Department of Insurance. The filing was approved by the Association’s Board of Directors at its August 6 meeting. The Insurance Commissioner held public meetings in Galveston and Corpus Christi last month to hear input from local residents on the rate filing.  

TWIA’s 2024 Rate Adequacy Analysis, prepared by the Association’s actuarial staff, indicates that TWIA’s current rates are inadequate by 38% for residential coverage and 45% for commercial coverage.