TWIA Board Completes Financial Preparations for 2024 Storm Season 

The Texas Windstorm Insurance Association Board of Directors met in Austin on May 7 for its second quarterly meeting of 2024. The Board received an update on reinsurance funding for the 2024 storm season and routine operational highlights. The Board directed staff to pursue the purchase of $3.35 billion in reinsurance funding for this year’s storm season at its February 20 meeting.

The Board also voted to secure a $500 million line of credit to allow for an immediately available source of funds to pay claims in the event of a catastrophic storm impacting the Texas coast this year. If needed to pay claims, the line of credit would be repaid from the proceeds of Class 1 public securities issued after the storm as provided by TWIA’s governing statute.

Board Chairman Chandra Franklin Womack announced that Mary Keller, a former Associate Commissioner at the Texas Department of Insurance, has been appointed to serve on the Board as a Non-Seacoast Territory Representative for a term to expire in 2027.

Board member Esther Grossman and the Office of Public Insurance Counsel were appointed to the Board’s Actuarial & Underwriting Committee. The Board’s Legislative & External Affairs Committee will meet on May 21 to begin planning the Association’s Biennial Report to the Texas Legislature. A list of committee members is available on TWIA’s website.

Members of the media with questions about the Board meeting, please email

The meeting materials and archived recording for the Board meeting are available on our Meeting Library page.